Data to unlock the full potential of EO

The eoa brings together a wealth of data, unique insights and, through our membership network, an in-depth understanding of EO in action.

From driving wellbeing and prosperity, to delivering growth-boosting investment in skills, knowledge and innovation – there’s a plenty to be learned from businesses that are truly people powered.

EO Sector – UK Growth

The 1,600+ EO sector is growing - 37% growth was reported last year.

Since the introduction of the EOT in 2014, employee ownership has grown by 90%. It has seen the sector transform from mainly large businesses to a thriving, diverse sector made up of mainly SMEs.

Although the spread of employee ownership varies region to region, the top five sectors where people powered businesses is consistently trending are:

  1. Professional Services (39%)
  2. Manufacturing (13%)
  3. Construction (12.5%)
  4. Wholesale and Retail Trade (11.6%)
  5. Information and communications (8%)

Employee Ownership Impacts


  • 20% increase in performance, driving revenue increases of up to 43% after becoming EO
  • 25% more likely to have seen profits grow in the past 5 years post transition
  • 50% more likely to invest in R&D

Economy and society

  • 8-12% more productive per employee
  • 50% more likely to expand their workforces than other businesses


  • 73% more likely to have increased employee satisfaction, motivation, and work-life balance
  • 12% higher investment in training, skills, and on the job development
  • £2,700 average higher basic wages and share profits

Additionally, EO businesses:

  • Give more to charities and offer volunteering days
  • Are more likely to have a net zero or carbon neutral strategy in place

Our Latest Research Activity

Our work to understand the impacts of people powered growth and what practices deliver Great EO is evidenced in the EO Knowledge Programme. The opportunity to grow the EO sector is evidenced in eoa supported research about future employee ownership succession.

We're working to evolve the EO sector data set and research with academic partners Professors Andrew Robinson and Andrew Pendleton of the White Rose Centre for Employee Ownership and independent think tank, Ownership at Work.

Feel free to get in touch if there's anything you'd like to know, or if you wo chat about further research opportunities.

21 Nov 2023
Action to Educate Businesses on EO Succession Could Save Thousands of ‘at risk’ Jobs and Businesses
The eoa welcomes research that shows how many business owners will be looking to sell, divest or liquidate their shareholding over the next 10 years in the report 'Generation EO: The Great Succession Opportunity'.
18 Oct 2023
EO Knowledge Programme
Discover the EO Knowledge Programme which provides a baseline for the impacts of people powered growth, evidences the practices that support businesses to deliver Great EO and understand how to measure EO social and environmental impacts.