We believe in celebrating the achievements and commitments of employee owned businesses like yours. 

The Proudly Employee Owned badge isn’t just a symbol. It’s a testament to your dedication to excellence, sustainability, and fostering growth that benefits both your employees and your community.

Fly the flag for Great EO and showcase your pride in being part of a member community committed to a better way of doing business. 

Why Choose the Proudly EO Badge?

Unified Recognition

Be part of a growing member community that celebrates the positive impacts of EO

Consistent Symbol

The badge is a consistent and recognisable symbol of your commitment to Great EO

Pride in Ownership

Display your pride and the value you create through EO

Using the Badge

Display it proudly, everywhere and anywhere.

On websites, letterheads, flags outside your buildings, tote bags, pins, and even on mugs for conferences or the kitchen.

When you embed the badge on your website, don't forget to hyperlink it back to the eoa website.

Wherever you go, let the world know you're Proudly EO!


Ready to Showcase Your EO Pride?